
ColorGuess Plus is Live

A couple days ago, ColorGuess Plus went live. Today we are making the official announcement along with the launch of a brand new page on our website. The ColorGuess page.

Head on over to the new page and check out information regarding ColorGuess Plus.

We are super excited to have finished this process, and we cannot wait to start working on Vaultology, more information to come.

Happy New Year one and all, 2014 will be a great year here at Symbiotic Studios.




ColorGuess Plus Compilation

Well, the big news we have been teasing the past few weeks is finally ready to be shared. The Developers of Symbiotic Studios are pleased to announce that a re-release of ColorGuess! is under development. 

This re-release is going to come packed with new features, and I'm going to share some of them with you now!

As opposed to doing this in an update, we have decided that in the name of science, that we want to stick this up as a sequel, with a price tag of $0.99. However, we are discussing a customer loyalty program for those of you out there that have kept ColorGuess! on their iOS devices, it means a lot to us that you have supported us in our first game.

So head on over and download ColorGuess! and give it a try. 

If there is anything, anything at all you feel is missing, or would like to see added to this re-release, please feel free to comment here, tweet at us @symbstudios or @hicksaustinj. We welcome your support and feedback, and would like to get everybody's wants into this game!

Along with all planned updates in game, ColorGuess! will officially be receiving a brand new dedicated webpage within out blog setting, so keep an eye out for that around December 13, if at all possible, it will come sooner with previews of the new game version. 

Thank you for your continued support, and check back often for more information regarding all of the planned additions. As of right now, our planned launch date is December 13, 2013. So mark your calendars!


ColorGuess! Patch Notes

ColorGuess! v1.0

June 24, 2013

New Features:

  • A new screen has been added.  This screen's purpose is to help players get better and improve at their color guessing skills.  Upon finishing the round and entering the Score and Summary Screen, players are now able to click on their grades to send them to this new feature.
  • In the new screen, players are given the user color and the generated color side by side, with no gap between them.  Labels are given to show the value of the actual color as well as the color you can manipulate.  You will be able to move the sliders like you do in game in order to see the difference become less and less.
  • High Scores have been added!   The game now correctly tracks high scores locally.  You are informed when you beat out an existing high score.
  • You are able to reset your earned scores, you will be given a warning when you select this option. 
  • There is a known high score but, where '0' is an achievable high score.  In layman's terms, when you get a score of '0' you essentially got a perfect score, and the number formatter displays infinity as '0'. 

General and UI:

  • The Score and Summary Screen has been updated with an 'info' button in the bottom right corner to indicate that tapping will send players to another screen.
  • The necessary UI elements have been added to the Review screen. 
  • A small graphical error has been fixed on the 3.5 inch screen where there was a small gap between the user color and the background. 


For a complete list of all changes and dates, please visit our Google Doc